
Lets realize worldwide "Living Without Money" having been realized in Germany

Lets realize worldwide "Living Without Money" having been realized in Germany
     Ms Heidemarie Schwermer, a former teacher and psychoterapist in Germany, who decided to stop using money and live a life based on mutual services. And she established "Give and take central" in 1994 following the order of the Creators.
     The huge earthquake, huge tsunamis and ensuing explosion of nuke plant Fukushima Daiichi in the Earth Japan were signs of Apocalypse of Heaven's orders on transition to the society of gratuitous services in all fields of human life.  
     This process of the general cleaning of Earth by Cataclysm of the earth crust and nature is beginning in the USA after Japan.  That is in process taking such forms as frequent occurrence of violent tornadoes, rivers rise with melted snow unusually more than in ordinal years, huge flooding of the Missouri, flooding of Ft. Calhoun Nuclear power plant and Cooper nuke plant, those radiational catastrophe from leak of radiational cesium, leak of radiational tritium more or less 750 times of permitted limit with piping's corrosion at deteriorated 48 nuke plants of US's 65 nuke plants, where 3/4 of US's population live, flooding of the Corn Belt more than hundred mill. km2, radiational contamination of US's agliculture, ets.  
     On the other hand, the new life style of  "Living Without Money" having been realized in Germany has possibility to become the breach of worldwide realization of the Heaven's orders. She is a pioneer for change of Earth who is fostered by the Creators and is practicing, pointed out the Creators. Thus,  Ms Heidemarie is a angel who is accomplishing the mission.(Her photo with URL)
     In London, UK at the time of G8 leaders' meeting a demonstration under a big banner "Abolish Money !" was staged by British workers.
     The USA, Japan, EU nations, China, Russia, etc. are behind the times.
     But Germany is the most advanced country in the world, because there already "Living Without Money" has been begun since 1994.  
     In the USA too where poor peoples more than 45 mill. people are facing threat of existence, there is a big possibility to begin the new life of "Living Without Money". In the UK too where debt of credit cards have reached around 1.8 trillion pound  "Living Without Money" is realizable.       
     In Russia too where 40 mill. poor peoples are facing threat of existence under Mafia capitalists' tyranical rule, there is possibility of realization and spread of the life style "Living Without Money". In the period of economic and monetary collapse in Russia after breakdown of the Soviet Union farmers survived only on milk, and civilians - on vegitables and fruits from so-called Dacha (cottages with farm). In Africa too, of course, there is possibility of its realization.
     In the USA default of Obama Administration is imminent in August. US's dollar and economy may be broken down. In linkage with that worldwide financial and econimic crisis may happen. The time of Earth change is coming near.
     In sum, the breach from distress belongs to whether groups in each country are able to take effect initiatives and begin actions for realization of  "Living Without Money".

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