For Peace on Earth
Dear Kevin, Voters for peace
Obama Administration of Rockefellers is now stageing occupation of Afganistan and Iraq. In Iraq - for cultivation and business of dope which talibans prohibited.
Obama Administration of Rockefellers is now stageing occupation of Afganistan and Iraq. In Iraq - for cultivation and business of dope which talibans prohibited.
Moreover, thay are trying to begin aggression of Lybia and Korea with NATO's nations or singly as the US's 3d and 4th fronts.
In result, that will bring on breakdown of the US's national finances after 4 years repeated deficit more than 1 trillion dol. each.
It means more large scale of lost job and serious financial-economic crisis, secession of 6 nations from the USA and disappear of the USA.
Do struggle for the historical transit to the new society of gratis services in all fields of peoples' life by abolishing the FRB's fraudlent paper printing money system. If without that, it is imminent that NYC and FL peninsula, after it, CA State will sink into the sea.
In Japanese North-east regions happened a biggest in the history earthquate and tsunami. And the modern capitalist social system and life style of peoples were broken to pieces perfectly, like you saw TV images. That was the Providence of the Creators.
In London British workers staged a demonstration under the road-crossing placard "Abolish Money!". They became the
avanguard of the liberation movement of world workers.
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Dear Miron,
Join us in Washington, DC March 18-20th to protest the ongoing wars and
call for the release of Bradley Manning.
This March 19th Voters for Peace is endorsing a protest led by four
This March 19th Voters for Peace is endorsing a protest led by four
veterans groups, Veterans for Peace, Iraq Vets Against the War, March Forward! And Vietnam Veterans Against War, that will include mass civil resistance at the White House. Join us and participate. We are seeking to have more than the 131 vets and their allies who were arrested in December building the resistance needed to end the wars risk arrest. I will be one of them, join me. For more on this event visit Stop These Wars. 
On March 20th, there will be a march and protest in Quantico, Virginia at the Marine Base where Bradley Manning is being held in solitary confinement. Manning has not been found guilty of any crime yet his pre-trial detention has morphed into pre-trial punishment, as he has been held for 9 months in solitary.
On March 18th there will be a pre-event at Bush Boys and Poets (5th and K Streets, NW) that will feature music and inspiration. Daniel Ellsberg leads a cast of great speakers.
These wars are killing people every day, destroying families, forcing people from their homes and undermining U.S. national security and the economy. President Obama is once again putting forward a larger weapons and war budget, this one the largest since World War II, despite the faltering economy.
Please join us in Washington, DC-area for these important events.
Kevin Zeese
Executive Director
Voters for Peace
On March 18th there will be a pre-event at Bush Boys and Poets (5th and K Streets, NW) that will feature music and inspiration. Daniel Ellsberg leads a cast of great speakers.
These wars are killing people every day, destroying families, forcing people from their homes and undermining U.S. national security and the economy. President Obama is once again putting forward a larger weapons and war budget, this one the largest since World War II, despite the faltering economy.
Please join us in Washington, DC-area for these important events.
Kevin Zeese
Executive Director
Voters for Peace
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